Qu’est-ce que le trading forex ?

Forex vient de la contraction de Foreign et Exchange, le trading forex consiste à spéculer sur la hausse ou sur la baisse de paires de devises. Une paire de devises est composée d’une monnaie de base et de sa contrepartie.


Par exemple pour la paire EUR/USD, l’euro est la devise de base et le dollar est celle de contrepartie. Il s’agit de pouvoir anticiper si la base va progresser contre la contrepartie ou si au contraire elle va s’affaiblir.


Le trading forex présente l’avantage de pouvoir parier sur la hausse et sur la baisse des paires de devises. Cela permet ainsi de profiter de toutes les variations du marché des changes.


Prenons l’exemple d’un position spéculative sur le forex: on pense que l’euro va s’apprécier contre le dollar. On décide alors d’acheter un lot d’EUR/USD. Cela correspond à effectuer en même temps l’achat d’euros et la vente dollars étasuniens.


Si effectivement l’euro se renforce contre le dollar par la suite on peut alors espérer récupérer des profits  en proportion de la somme qu’on aura investi sur cette position de trading. Bien sûr, il faut acquérir une solide expérience avant de pouvoir arriver à prévoir avec efficacité les mouvements du marché des changes.

Le but d’acheter des devises

Vous pouvez spéculer et profiter des évolution des taux de change

Lorsque vous achetez une devise par rapport à une autre, cela vous offre la possibilité de réaliser plus tard un gain en fonction de l’évolution de la paire de devises. Le fait d’acheter cette paire de devises quand le cours est au plus bas et de la vendre quand le cours a remonté permet d’engranger un gain équivalent à la différence entre le cours d’achat et le cours de vente.

Prenons un exemple simple : Vous achetez 5000 Yen pour 50$, le taux actuel est donc de 1 Yen = 0,01$. Si le cours du yen augmente par rapport au dollar à 1000 Yen = 70$ et que vous revendez à ce prix-là, vous avez fait un bénéfice de 20$ pour seulement 50$ investis.

Acheter des devises au travers de plateformes de trading (broker) présente d’autres avantages tel que l’effet de levier. L’effet de levier consiste à multiplier la somme que vous décidez d’investir par un coefficient allant de 100 à 400 selon les brokers. Si nous reprenons l’exemple précédent, votre gain aurait pu être de  2000$ au lieu de 20 $ en utilisant un fort effet de levier.

Acheter des devises pour régler vos achats à l’international

Garder une devise permet aussi de pouvoir payer par exemple un fournisseur étranger à qui vous avez acheté des biens, ceci étant lucratif si le cours de la monnaie que vous avez gardé s’apprécie (prend de la valeur). En effet, cela revient à dire que vous avez dépensé moins en payant le même prix puisque vous ne serez plus dépendant de la hausse du taux de change entre votre propre devise nationale et celle de votre fournisseur.

Exemple simple : Vous achetez 1000$ pour 700€ donc le taux actuel est de 0,70€ = 1$. Si le cours de l’euro monte par rapport au dollar et que l’on arrive à 0,80€ = 1$, c’est-à-dire que vous aurez gagné 0,1€ sur ces 1$ acheté. Revenons à notre exemple, maintenant nos 1000$ valent 800€. Si nous devons payer un fournisseur 1000$, cela nous aura coûté en fin de compte que 70€ au lieu de 80€ par rapport au cours actuel, ce qui fait une économie de 10 euros. Cela paraît donc dérisoire s’il y a de petites sommes en jeu, mais pour des montants plus important, on peut arriver à des centaines voire des milliers d’euros gagnés.

Qui est ProfesseurForex.com?

ProfesseurForex.com est un des portails leaders en matière de trading forex en France. Principalement centré sur la formation des débutants en trading forex, le site propose également des analyses, des actualités, de nombreux outils de trading, ainsi que des tests de brokers forex. La particularité du site est de proposer un contenu 100% produit en interne et donc 100% indépendant!

Best Known Forex Market

When it comes to making money you need to know about forex market which is best known about making money. Forex market is well known about its revenue generation but it is not easy to have money from froex market it needs to a lot of skills and a knowledge to have it.

The best suggestible way to make it easy is to hire a brokers forex , which is well educated , full of forex knowledge and a nice strategy to deal.

You can search them manually or the most comfortable is searching them online on a trusted site like professeurforex, professeurforex makes you available the best deal with a knowledgeable and experienced broker forex.

While looking out for a brokers forex you will find a lot of peoples claiming themselves to be the best suit for you.  But you need to have lot of skills and knowledge about it to have a right decision. A brokers forex need to be choosed very wisely to get the best results.

Professeurforex offers you the most experienced brokers forex for the best result. Searching online for brokers forex is nice but here also you need someone as genuine as professeurforex to promise you the deliverable.

Forex trading – best known place for making money

Forex trading, too, is a booming investment market. Forex or Foreign Exchange has been around in the whole investment scheme that retail and professional investors alike have all found some amazing things about Forex trading. Pairs of selected foreign currencies all around the world are proven money generators. As they are volatile and easily accessible especially in the case of online trading trading FX can be very lucrative for everybody.

One key thing is vital towards achieving that success, though. A Forex broker would have to come into play. Regardless of whether youre a seasoned investor or a newbie, FX brokers are essential to the financial success or failure that you may be subjected to. A Forex broker can tell you about the best times to purchase positions or the stronger currencies that could point to a higher financial profit for you. That being said as in the case of trading CFDs, it is absolutely vital that you pick only the Forex brokers which could mean a whole lot of pleasant difference to your investment options.

Professeurforex is there to guide you to the best that you can have, professeurforex makes you available the best brokers forex that can make a good business foe you.

Forex Copier Advantages work with Forex Signals

Forex Trade Duplicator is that you could copy your trades extremely fast and without any difficulty so that you can control your account. With the help of Forex Trade Duplicator with a big copier, you can forever keep broker’s track and their trade activities. It’s the best way to attach with people the correct way.

Want you to ensure out your broker while you are left from the desk then you should be receiving in touch with great Forex Trade Duplicator, so you are always upgrade to latest murmur on trading activities. Such caring software also helps you a huge impact when it comes to doing trades. Just make sure that to attach people in the correct way through the online working.

In this case, you should be able to get with a diversity of agents in a given time, so that whenever these reports are updates, you will be updated in real time.

Some explicit features of Forex Copier :

* Works on the Internet (master and slave are on different computers)

* Works with various brokerage organizations.

* Works with normal & micro accounts.

* Copy trade from 4 to 5 digit accounts as well as from 5 to 4 digit accounts.

* Supports various technologies: market performance, instant     implementation.

* Works with various cryptogram estimates.

* Copies of the signals of Expert Advisors and Trades.

* Skill to change size of slaves account.

* All types of market and awaiting orders.

*Copies from single Met trader account to another Met trader account.

* Only for Meta Trader 4 (MT4).

Get details about Accurate Forex Signals, Forex Signal, Forex Trade Signals at swellfx.com

Forex trading – best known place for making money

Forex trading, too, is a booming investment market. Forex or Foreign Exchange has been around in the whole investment scheme that retail and professional investors alike have all found some amazing things about Forex trading. Pairs of selected foreign currencies all around the world are proven money generators. As they are volatile and easily accessible especially in the case of online trading trading FX can be very lucrative for everybody.
One key thing is vital towards achieving that success, though. A Forex broker would have to come into play. Regardless of whether youre a seasoned investor or a newbie, FX brokers are essential to the financial success or failure that you may be subjected to.

A Forex broker can tell you about the best times to purchase positions or the stronger currencies that could point to a higher financial profit for you. That being said as in the case of trading CFDs, it is absolutely vital that you pick only the Forex brokers which could mean a whole lot of pleasant difference to your investment options.
Professeurforex is there to guide you to the best that you can have, professeurforex makes you available the best brokers forex that can make a good business foe you

Advanced Signals With Forex Trade Duplicator

Features of Forex Trade Duplicator:

* Works on the Internet (master and slave are on different computers)

* Works with various brokerage organizations.

* Works with standard & micro accounts.

* Copy trade from 4 to 5 digit accounts as well as from 5 to 4 digit accounts.

* Supports different technologies: market performance, instant execution.

* Works with various symbols estimate (fx_eurusd, usdjpy_m, etc.)

* Copies of the signals of Expert Advisors and Trades.

* Ability to change size of slaves account.

* All types of market and pending orders.

Also some limitations of Forex Trade Duplicator:

*Copies from one Metatrader account to another Metatrader account.

* Only for Meta Trader 4 (MT4).

* Wont copy CFD trades like gold, ftse which can appear on some brokers Metatrader packages. Only forex.

If you are going to plan to copy trades from one or more “master” accounts to several “receiver” accounts then Forex Trade Duplicator allows you to launch your trade business.

Stay here for more details about Forex Copier,  Forex Trade Distributor, Trade Copier at Swellfx.com

Qu’est ce que le forex?

Le forex est le plus grand marché financier du monde. C’est le lieu virtuel d’échange des devises, là où les taux de change se fixent, la bourse des monnaies.

Le forex est né en 1973 suite à l’abandon des accords de Bretton Woods, ce qui a donné lieu à la naissance du régime des changes flottants, et donc à la naissance du trading sur les devises.

Avant cette date, le cours des devises était fixe par rapport au dollar, et le cours du dollar était fixe par rapport à l’or.

Avec le régime des changes flottants, il est en effet devenu possible de profiter des variations des devises sur le forex, d’où un nombre important d’opportunités de trading et d’investissement financier.

A noter également que la marché du forex présente un volume d’échange journalier de 4000 milliards de dollars, et que les opportunités de gains sont donc très nombreuses

Forex Copier Tool Enables You to Start Own Trading

To start own trading is only possible by Forex Copier.  Forex Copier is a tool which enables you to copy trades of the professionals. With this specific tool you can copy the orders from one MetaTrader 4 account into another MetaTrader 4 account.

Everyone wants to get more & more profit through their own trades. So, everyone try their best in terms of trading. But numbers of successful traders are very less, some or few successful traders.

Some successful traders definitely want to increase their profit by selling trading signals. But it is a very hard task to process those signals manually.

To devote time for the signal for hours & hours will surely beneficial for you.  Forex Copier can process these signals at once automatically! And you can copy the orders even just with having an investor password.

Some initiators will not understand the term Trading Signals. So, trading signals clears all confusions here –  

There is difference between huge success and repeated failures in forex trading which can be attributed to one single factor. That is timely and accurate information. Profits from forex trading more often than not accrue from effective data analysis and the corresponding action taken to take advantage of the market situation.

Forex trading signals are a powerful tool designed to make the seemingly complex task of forex trading easy and without exposing yourself to major risks.

Usually Forex trading signals send as an email alert. Free insight into currency trading patterns and emerging trends of top foreign currency pairs are provided in real time to enable the forex trader to take precise action.

Further, on emerging market trading patterns, the traders is also confidential to information about daily forex forecasts, performance of a particular pair of foreign currency over a fix time period, presage is based on economic reports and commercial policies announced by major countries from time to time and also other aspects may significantly impact the currency movement in a forex market.

Traders get an essential message like entry price, stop loss and a broad range of profit targets at which they can exit the market after booking profits. Forex trading signals takes the risk factor out of forex trading to a considerable extent and makes it much secure for traders to invest cautiously.

Stay here for more details about Forex Copier,  Forex Trade Distributor at Swellfx.com